The Janke Family


Christmas Project 2016

Last weekends project: cookbook/tablet stands.

The boys and I built these cookbook/tablet stands for all the important ladies in our lives. They are holiday gifts so I didn’t want to post pictures of the project until everybody got their gift. Yesterday was our Irish Christmas bash, and the gifts have been distributed, so now I can share the pictures.

Match Stick Cannon

Match Stick Cannon; Part 1: Version 0.9. Todays project was a little disappointing. The Boys and I decided to call it a character building exercise. You can plan, coordinate, and put the work in, but sometimes things just don’t work. So, we circled the wagons and figured out a fix for Version 1.0 (TBD).



When I was a young whipper snapper I walked in the snow, uphill (both ways), to the model shop for supplies and built my rockets from scratch. now they have these super slick kits. Awesome!