The Janke Family

Yearly Archive: 2009


We have all been witnessing the quintessential signs of the beginning of spring/summer. April showers bringing May flowers, more time after work to kick the ball around with the boys because the sun is waiting for us to set, my neighbor parking their RV on their front lawn. And, perhaps the most defining, and definitely the most exciting, the Jeep going topless! We hope you are enjoying this great weather as much as we are!

Political Test

I randomly came across this political test while searching for completely unrelated items on the web. I found it very interesting. We all have defined ourselves politically in one way or another. Some of us because we attempt to be educated and involved politically, and others because of tradition. What ever your reasons for your political views, it is interesting to see where you actually find yourself. The politics test is impartial, written by mathematicians, and it explores your ecomonic and social ideas, and then places you into a 2-D spectrum of political thought. The goal of this politics test is self analysis, and that’s it. Your answers should be your answers, not how you believe somebody else thinks you should answer. Anyway, take the test, it is very short. I think you might be surprised what you discover about yourself. You can take the test HERE


Andrew & Cooper Have Arrived

KeAnne delivered two beautiful twin baby boys on May 5th. We are so excited! Here is what Pete said in a recent email update:
Friday, May 08, 2009

Well here we are, some 4 days into this little adventure called parenting. Its been a little crazy trying to get everything figured out, as well as get ourselves back on track.

KeAnne will be discharged tomorrow morning, she is healing rapidly, and has very little pain considering the hole they cut into her. She is in excellent spirits, and is very happy to be a mom. She has been trying to feed the boys, but they may still be a little premature to master the whole “suck, swallow and breathe” thing just yet.

The boys are doing very good. They have steadily been increasing their feedings, and decreasing the amount of i.v. fluids they get. They have been receiving photo-therapy for the last couple of days to help control jaundice.

Cooper is taking the increased feedings and photo-therapy a little bit better than his big brother, and if all goes according to the doctors plans, Cooper may be off IV fluids completely by tomorrow. He should also be out from under the lights by the end of today.

Andrew is slowly responding to the photo therapy, but he has been on a lighted blanket, rather than under a spotlight, which seems to me to be the reason he is lagging a little behind. He is also a little behind on the amount they give him at feedings, as he has been a little slower to process his meals. The doctors have reassured us that there is NO reason for concern, which is a huge relief.

There are some new photos here as well.

The weekend looks busy with travels back and forth to and from the hospital, so I will send another update sometime the first of next week.



Easter 2009

We had a great time in St. George with Grandpa Craig and Grandma Robyn! The weather was great, we spent tons of time outside in the pool, golfing, and hiking. Erik got to play his first real round of golf at Coral Canyon. He is still super excited about driving the cart, and his super cool ball marker Grandpa gave him! Henry didn’t shave for weeks in preparation for our outing to Pirate Pete’s, as you can see in the picture below. We love to be in the desert. I hope we can get Dan & Beth down sometime soon, it would be great fun to take Skulls and the TJ exploring into the Arizona strip. We love to be with Grandma and Grandpa!

Appeal Denied

I did not tell anyone because it made me so anxious but Brian went to London yesterday because the Crown Court was hearing the appeal for Jenny’s murder. A panel of three judges heard the appeal, reviewed all the evidence and testimony and heard new witnesses for the defense and after 2 hours denied his appeal stating that his conviction would stand. YEAH!!! He has no further options but to serve his life sentence.
Ann called this morning to give me the news. What a relief they don’t have to go through another trial. The Judge stated at the end of the review that Jenny was a nice girl and neither she nor her parents deserved this. Brian said it was nice of her to say because she had been very stern and all business up to that point.
Here is the link for the Yorkshire paper’s evening edition.

The Northern Echo

Hopefully Brian and Ann can have some peace.
Love You all……………Mom/May

Christmas 2008

We had a great Christmas, we hope you did too! We continued our annual tradition/goal of having a fire every night in December. Nanny took Erik to see the Nutcracker for the very first time, which he liked almost as much as Indiana Jones, and Mo and Nanny got their Christmas gooses early at the Neil Diamond concert! Here are some previously un-released photos. The first is Henry performing at his Christmas program, and in the second we are showing of our fake teeth stocking stuffers!

Henry’s Birthday 2008

Henry turned 4 this past November! This is a picture of him and his “best girl” Afton at his Chuck E. Cheese party. He told us the other day that he was going to marry his best girl Afton, but she punched him at recess, so now its over!