The Janke Family

Author Archive: fractil

Jeeps & Rainbows

What a great weekend! Friday night we had more of the same rain we have had for weeks. But Erik and I caught a camera pic of this great rainbow while out cruisin’ in the Jeep. Sunday Jon and Noemi came over for a barbecue, and fire in the backyard. Erik gave Liam some great driving pointers. Look Ma, no hands!


I just wanted to say publicly how lucky I am to have Jaren in my life. He is the most amazing husband, father and friend. He is so thoughtful and loves to serve anyone in need. He is such a patient father to our boys and a great example to them. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I love you Jaren. You are my soul mate and I am excited to spend forever with you.


H-dog’s School Program

Henry’s year end school program was held recently at the Draper Theatre. He is so fun to watch. He sings so loud it is easy to know if he is really singing, or lip syncing! He really gets into the all the hand motions and actions. He loves to get his groove on! This first picture is his best bud Collin, and I just had to share the hat picture.


This is one of the awesome “pouch” dinners I have been raving about. Give it a try. It is super easy, quick, and delicious. The best part, there is no clean up. Just put the pouch in the trash bin. Easy as pie, mmmm pie!

Salmon/Red Snapper en Papillote







1 cup couscous
1 16oz wild caught sockey salmon, or 2 8oz red snapper filets
salt & pepper
1 whole lemon, thinly sliced
1 cup thinly sliced red onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1 cup grape tomatoes, cut in half
1 cup drained and quartered artichoke hearts
1/2 cup white wine
1 tablespoon butter


Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Rinse couscous in fresh cold water and drain. Lay out on piece of parchment paper and sprinkle with pinch of salt.
Cut parchment paper into 15 by 48-inch sheet. Fold in 1/2, unfold, then lay half on baking/cookie sheet.
Lay salmon or snapper diagonally on center of parchment paper that is on baking/cookie sheet.
Salt and pepper fish. Place herbs on fish along with thin lemon slices, 1/2 of red onion, and minced garlic.
Arrange couscous next to and around fish on all sides.
Lay halved grape tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and remaining red onion along top and outside of couscous.
Pour wine over fish and dot with butter.
Fold over edges of parchment paper, stapling if necessary, to create an almost airtight seal.
Bake in oven for 30 minutes.
Carefully open and serve (be aware of steam when opening the pouch, and be aware of bones in the fish).

Jp Magazine Article

Almost two years ago I emailed a picture of us Jeepin’ through Salt Creek in Canyonlands to Jp Magazine. I had found the great picture in Mom’s basement, and submitted it in response to a request for “vintage” Jeep photos. I just received my June issue of Jp magazine and was shocked to find my picture! It had been so long I had forgotten that I had sent it in. Here is the photo, and the caption I had submitted with it:

Full Metal Jacket

I was entertained most of the way home this evening by a C130 being escorted by four F16’s. However, once I got home the air show really started! The five aircraft would approach from the north, as though they were following State Street South. They would then bank East over the top of my house to the East bench then continue North. The group of aircraft repeated this approximately a dozen times, only slightly varying their flight path each trip. It was so much fun to watch! I attempted to capture them with my camera, but the pictures just cannot relay what reality was producing. I did get the group on video, and will share the video clips here once I get them edited and uploaded. Until then here are a couple photos:

Two Wheels!

I took the training wheels off of Erik’s bike last Summer, but he was never interested. He has always been really into his scooters, especially since he got his new red razor scooter for his birthday. I guess he decided that today was the day of the bike. He marched into the garage, grabbed his bmx, then rode off into the sunset, never having ridden without trainers before! What a stud, i am so pumped, and proud!

Twins @ Home!

After almost three weeks in the NICU KeAnne and Pete took Andrew and Cooper on their very first car ride all the home! Wonder when the first motorcycle ride will happen??? Love you guys!


We have all been witnessing the quintessential signs of the beginning of spring/summer. April showers bringing May flowers, more time after work to kick the ball around with the boys because the sun is waiting for us to set, my neighbor parking their RV on their front lawn. And, perhaps the most defining, and definitely the most exciting, the Jeep going topless! We hope you are enjoying this great weather as much as we are!

Political Test

I randomly came across this political test while searching for completely unrelated items on the web. I found it very interesting. We all have defined ourselves politically in one way or another. Some of us because we attempt to be educated and involved politically, and others because of tradition. What ever your reasons for your political views, it is interesting to see where you actually find yourself. The politics test is impartial, written by mathematicians, and it explores your ecomonic and social ideas, and then places you into a 2-D spectrum of political thought. The goal of this politics test is self analysis, and that’s it. Your answers should be your answers, not how you believe somebody else thinks you should answer. Anyway, take the test, it is very short. I think you might be surprised what you discover about yourself. You can take the test HERE
