I thought of Grandpa Lee today as I passed by a cemetery full of flowers. That led me to think of his military service, and of those in our family who have served in the armed forces here and abroad. As far as I am aware, we have not had any family members not come home from military service. Although I know there have been close calls and scary moments. I wanted to take a moment and thank all of those who have served us and paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy everyday. You will not be forgotten. We will always remember and cherish the gift you have given us. I hope you will join me this Memorial Day in praying for the safe return of our Sons and Daughters and for the families who, over the generations, have born the responsibility and felt the loss when their loved ones did not make it home. God bless our fallen hero’s, God bless you, and God bless this great country of ours.